2025 Grind’her XOXO-Rated, Cinema L’Amour, Montréal, QC
2024 Online video screening, White Frame Online Series 2024 Focus: Dayna McLeod, May 23-30, 2024
2023 Video screening, “Carte Blanche avec Dayna McLeod,” Groupe Intervention Video, Montreal, QC
2021 “Intimate Karaoke Live at Uterine Concert Hall,” Performatorium 2021, Regina, SK
2021 “Under Surveillance: 12hrs at the PHI,” PHI Centre, Montréal, QC
2020 “COVID VS MENOPAUSE,” The Portico Project, Centaur Theatre, Montréal, QC
2019 “Intimate Karaoke, Live at Uterine Concert Hall,” OFFTA, Montréal, QC
2019 Retrospective video screening, “20/20 Visionaries DAYNA MCLEOD,” Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival, Kingston, ON
2018 Intimate Karaoke, Live at Uterine Concert Hall, Summerworks, Toronto, ON
2017 “The Absurdity of Gravity,” (curator) Feminist Media Studio, Concordia University, Montréal, QC
2016 Uterine Concert Hall, Monument-National, Montréal, QC
2016 Uterine Concert Hall, “Place Publique,” Foundrie Darling, Montréal, QC
2015 “Gestures of Performativity,” (curator) touring program for Groupe Intervention Video’s 40th anniversary, Mexico City; Museo La Tertulia, Cali Colombia; Montréal, QC; Winnipeg; Vancouver; Hamburg, Germany; Basel, Switzerland
2014 52-Pick-Up Video Screening, “De la part des vaincus,” Galerie RDV, Nantes, France
2014 “All Nuit Long,” 52 Pick-Up screening at Nuit Blanche, Studio 303, Montréal, QC
2013 “Irony is the Best Policy Cabaret & Social”, for Time Forms: The Temporalities of Aesthetic Experience, espace nomad, Montréal, QC
2013 “Cougarliscious Point Final.” re-performance of Yoko Ono’s “Cut Piece” to close the end of Cougar This, La Centrale Gallery Powerhouse, Montréal, QC
2012 “Cougarliscious”, Cabaret to launch the start of Cougar This, Sala Rossa, Montréal, QC
2011 “Cultural Study This!” Cabaret for the Canadian Association of Cultural Studies, Sala Rossa, Montréal, QC
2011 “DNA Cabaret”, for Database | Narrative | Archive: An International Symposium on Nonlinear Digital Storytelling, Astral Theatre, Montréal, QC
2011, 52-Pick-Up Video Showcase, Edgy Women Festival, Studio 303: mainline theatre, Montréal, QC
2008 Playwright and Director, Episodes 3 and 4 of “Hot Hot Gossip,” a 6-part theatrical series, presented by The Edgy Women Festival and Studio 303, Montréal, QC
2008 Playwright and Director, Episodes 1 and 2 of “Hot Hot Gossip,” a 6-part theatrical series, presented by The Edgy Women Festival and Studio 303, Montréal, QC
2007 queerotic FAQ! Festival, Krakow, Poland, (showcase video screening)
2005 Paris Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, France, (showcase video screening)
2003 “An Evening with Video and Performance Artist Dayna McLeod”, Groupe Intervention Vidéo, Cinémathèque Québécoise, Montréal, QC
2000 “Stalk Me”, Cinéma de Sève, Concordia University, Montréal, QC
2024 “Videos de Femmes dans le Parc,” Maison de la Culture Mont Royal, Montreal, QC
2023 “Videos de Femmes dans le Parc,” Maison de la Culture Mont Royal, Montreal, QC
2023 “A######### I###########”, Sporobole, Sherbrooke, QC 2023
2023 “InSomnolence,” Agora Hydro-Quebec @ Coeur des sciences, Hexagram-UQAM, Montreal, QC (Curators: Marianne Cloutier, Aleksandra Kaminska and Alanna Thain)
2022 “Videos de Femmes dans le Parc,” Montreal, QC
2022 “The Vault (Shut-Eye)”, Groupe Intervention Video, Montreal, QC (Curator: Anne Golden)
2022 “Videos de Femmes dans le Parc,” Montreal, QC
2022 “The Vault (Shut-Eye)”, Groupe Intervention Video, Montreal, QC (Curator: Anne Golden)
2021 “Videos de Femmes dans le Parc,” Montreal, QC (online)
2020/21 “Restless,” Parallel Lines group exhibition, PHI Centre, Montréal, QC
2020/21 “Restless,” Parallel Lines online group exhibition, PHI Centre, Montréal, QC
2019 Festival Phénomena, Sala Rossa, Montréal, QC
2018 “Uterine Concert Hall,” The Tang Teaching Museum, Skidmore College, Saratoga, NY (part of SURVEIL/SURVEILLED conference by MDOC Storytellers’ Institute)
2018 “Les réalisatrices contemporaines l’état des choses,” Cinémathèque Québécoise, Montréal, PQ (curated by Alanna Thain)
2018 “Videos de Femmes dans le Parc”, Théâtre de Verdure, Parc Lafontaine, Montréal, PQ
2018 “Uterine Concert Hall,” The Tang Teaching Museum, Skidmore College, Saratoga, NY (part of SURVEIL/SURVEILLED conference by MDOC Storytellers’ Institute)
2017 “La Centrale – Hors Les Murs,” Galerija Brodac, Sarajevo (curated by Noémi McComber)
2017 “Careless Fister,” Kiss my Cabaret as part of Phenomena Festival, Montréal, QC
2016 “DYING IN PUBLIC,” Cinecycle, Toronto, ON (curator: Kegan McFadden, commissioned by V-Tape)
2016 “Contesting/Contexting SPORT 2016. To Reclaim the Field with Art and Activism,” Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst e.V., Berlin, Germany
2016 “Dress Codes,” Mains d’Œuvres, Paris, France (curator: Alexandrine Dhainaut)
2016 “Short and Sweet,” Theatre La Chapelle, Montréal, QC (curators: Sasha Kleinplatz and Andrew Tay)
2016 “Piercing Sideways,” Cinémathèque Québécoise, Montréal, QC (curator: Cheryl Sim)
2016 “Santa’s Wife and the Baby Dyke,” “Performance Mix Festival,” Abrons Art Center, New York City, NY
2015 “Santa’s Wife and the Baby Dyke,” “Urban Tails,” Centaur Theatre, Montréal, QC
2015 “GIV le 40e: Exposition dans le cadre de Faire des histoires,” VOX, Montréal, QC (curators: Petunia Alves and Anne Golden)
2014 “Love is Like the Weather” OK. QUO!? Contemporary Arts Festival, Struts Gallery & Faucet Media Arts Centre Sackville, NB (Curator: Coral Short)
2014 “Videos de Femmes dans le Parc,” Espace La Fontaine, Montréal, QC
2014 “Trasnocheo Cabaret Encuentro,” presented by The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics and Concordia University, Sala Rossa, Montréal, QC
2013 “Cabaret Dada – Les 1001 (Guizo-La) Nuits,” Phénomena Festival, Sala Rossa, Montréal, QC
2013 “All Nuit Long”, Edgy Women Festival, Montréal, QC
2012 “Democroscope”, Joyce Yahouda Gallery, Montréal, QC; VideoTage, Hong Kong, China (Curators: Perry Bard & Matt Soar)
2012 “The Vault (Detour)”, Groupe Intervention Video, Montréal, QC (Curator: Anne Golden)
2012 “J’ACTE / I ACT”, La Centrale Gallery Powerhouse, Montréal, QC (Curator: Eugénie Cliche)
2012 “FemCab”, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, ON
2011 Malmös Feministiska Nätverk, Sweden
2011 “Sori et mä pilasin sun bileet: Video art from emerging queer/feminist Canadian artists”, Chks Love You, Bar Kuka, Turku, Finland (co-presented by La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse and GIV)
2011 “Désolée d’avoir gâché ta fête: Panorama de la relève queer/féministe canadienne en vidéo d’art”, Universités d’été euroméditéranéennes ds homosexualités (UEEH), École supérieure des beaux-arts de Marseille, Marseille, France (co-presented by La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse and GIV)
2011 “THE VAULT: The Song is You”, Groupe Intervention Video, Montréal, QC (Curator: Anne Golden)
2011 “Carte Blanche for La Centrale”,DÉSORDRES Festival, Lille, France
2010 “Edgy Women Festival”, Studio 303: mainline theatre, Montréal, QC
2009 Soirée de performance, projections, expos et + sur trois étages, 4001, rue Berri, Montréal, QC
2009 “Hysteria: A Festival of Women”, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, ON
2009 VIVA! Festival, Montréal, QC
2009 XXX-Politics at Istanbul Pride, Istanbul, Turkey
2009 “Cheap Queers”, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, ON
2009 Red Dawns, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2008 “Anne Made Me Gay”, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, ON (Curators: Moynan King and Rosemary Rowe)
2008 “Explicit Fantastic: Sex(y) in Contemporary Culture”, Keep Six Contemporary Gallery, Toronto, ON (Curator: RM Vaughan)
2008 “Gender Alarm: New Feminisms In Contemporary Art”, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montréal, QC
2008 “Factory Project”, Eastern Bloc, presented by OUT Productions and Studio 303, Montréal, QC
2008 “Art Dissident Art”, The Art and Anarchy Volunteer Collective, Montréal, QC
2008 DADA Cabaret, Festival Voix d’Amériques Sala Rossa, Montréal, QC
2007 “Car Wash!” Grand Prix Intervention, La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montréal, QC
2006 “Global Queeries: Sexualities, Globalities, Postcolonialities”, University of Western Ontario Conference, London, ON (Curator: Anthea Black)
2006 “Prairie Tales”, touring Albertan video artist programme organized by Metro Cinema Society, Edmonton, AB (Curator: Paul Williams)
2006 “Signal and Noise: a celebration of sonic and media inspirations”, Video In Studios, Vancouver, B.C.
2006 “Transit Traversées” touring program for GIV’s 30th anniversary, Groupe Intervention Video/Video In, Vancouver, B.C.
2006 “Classical/Digital: part two-new developments in animation art”, Art Gallery Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS
2005 “Flesh of the Word”, Ed Video, Guelph ON (Curator: Robert Brandstetter)
2004 “Hysteria: A Festival of Women”, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, Toronto, ON
2004 “Vidéos de femmes dans le parc/Videos by Women in the Park”, Groupe Intervention Video outdoor screening at Théâtre de Verdure du Parc La Fontaine, Montréal QC (programme touring to: Daïmõn: Hull QC, Paraloeil, Rimouski QC, and Vaste et Vague, Carleton ON)
2004 “Fear Factory”, Images Festival, Toronto, ON
2004 “Edgy Women XI”, Studio 303, Montréal, QC (collaboration with Jackie Gallant)
2004 “The Home Show”, Studio 303, Montréal, QC (Curators: Paul Caskey and Miriam Ginestier)
2003 “VROOM! video/velocity v=d/t”, The Centre for Art Tapes, Halifax, NS
2003 “Gobsmacked! A revel of offbeat expression”, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, ON (Curator: Jenn Goodwin)
2003 “Networkings – interpersonal dimensions in new media art”, Centre for Art Tapes, Kyber Media Centre, NSCAD, Halifax, NS (Curator: Liz MacDougall)
2003 “Body Arts: Insides, Outsides and Sidesteps”, Media Forum, Moscow, Russia (Curator: Katherine Liberovskaya)
2003 “Screenwise: Sites And Scenarios for Contemporary Feminist Film and TV Studies”, Vienna, Austria (Curator: Mikki Muhr)
2003 “Best of Show”, The Museum of New Art, Detroit, MI
2002 “Genres d’à côté ASBL”, Brussels, Belgium
2001 Dunlop Art Gallery’s Art Research Centre, Regina, SK
2001 “The Aural Sound Festival”, The Centre for Art Tapes, Halifax, NS
2000 “Queerks”, Ed Video, Guelph, ON (Curators: Hilary Martin and Kris Zalite)
2000 “Video Pranksters”, YYZ, Toronto, ON (Curator: Dara Gellman)
2025 Festival Filministes, Ausgang Plaza, Montréal, QC
2024 Experimental program MIGRATIONS, International Festival of Films on Art, Montreal, QC
2024 Les Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois, Montréal, QC
2023 Montréal Underground Film Festival (MUFF), Montréal, QC
2023 Winnipeg Underground Film Festival (WUFF), Winnipeg, MB
2023 Snow Screening Film Festival, Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
2022 Videoex Experimental film & Video Festival, Zurich, Switzerland
2021 Montréal Underground Film Festival (MUFF), Montréal, QC (online)
2019 Cineffable, Festival International du film Lesbian et Feminist de Paris, France
2019 Pink Screens, Brussels, Belgium
2019 Queer City Cinema, Regina, SK
2019 Lesbian Film Festival, London, ON
2019 Montreal Underground Film Festival (MUFF), Montréal, QC
2019 Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival, Kingston, ON
2018 HOMOGRAFÍA || HOMOGRAPHY #4, Muestra Internacional de Video-performance, Mexico
2017 “Some Images Need Better Homes,” Winnipeg Underground Film Festival, Winnipeg, MB
2016 Pink Screens Film Festival, Brussels, Belgium
2016 Inside Out, Toronto Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Toronto, ON
2016 “Programme Expérimental 1”, Les Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, Montréal, QC
2015 Chicago International Movies and Music Festival, Chicago
2015 Festival du film sur l’Art – FIFA, Montréal, QC, (curator: Nicole Gingras)
2015 “Choix du Chef 4”, Les Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois, Montréal, QC
2014 Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival, Kingston, ON
2013 Bimovie Film Festival, Munich, Germany
2013 Cineffable, Festival International du film Lesbian et Feminist de Paris, France
2012 Image+Nation, Montréal, QC
2012 Antimatter: Festival Of Underground Film And Video, Victoria, BC
2012 Les Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois, Montréal, QC
2012 QuORUM & MIX NYC: “The Personal is Revolutionary”, Brooklyn, NY
2011 24th MIX Festival, New York, NY
2011 “Undskyld jeg ødelagde din fest: Video art from emerging queer/feminist Canadian artists”, Copenhagen Queer Festival, Råhuset, Copenhague, Denmark (co-presented by La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse and GIV)
2011 Reel Pride Film Festival, Winnipeg, MB
2011 Inside Out, Toronto Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Toronto, ON
2011 Milano Mix Festival, Milan, Italy
2011 Strangelove: A Queer filmfest, Antwerp, Belgium
2011 Les Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois, Montréal, QC
2011 Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival, Kingston, ON
2010 Reel Pride Film Festival, Winnipeg, MB
2010 21st annual St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival, St. John’s, Newfoundland
2010 Pink Screens Film Festival, Brussels, Belgium
2010 Vancouver Queer Film Festival, Vancouver, BC
2010 FEMINA – International Women’s Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2010 MUFF, The Montréal Underground Film Festival, Montréal, QC
2010 Les Rendez-Vous du Cinéma Québécois, Montréal, QC
2010 Fairy Tales Queer Film Festival, Calgary, AB
2010 London Lesbian Film Festival, London, ON
2010 Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival, Kingston, ON
2009 Inside Out, Toronto Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Toronto, ON
2008 Winnipeg Festival Of Film And Video-Art, Winnipeg, MB
2007 “DAUGHTERS OF JOY! Cinema Soiree”, Syracuse Experimental Festival, NY
2007 LGBT Independent Film Screening, SHANGHAI PRIDE!, China
2007 queerotic FAQ! festival, Poznan, Poland
2007 kino.LAB, Modern Art Museum, Warsaw, Poland
2007 entzaubert festival, Berlin, Germany
2007 “The Pleasure Zone”, 21st London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, London, UK
2007 Reel Femme ’07, Edmonton Women’s Film Society, Edmonton, AB
2006 “899 Project”, the red house, Vancouver, BC
2006 Kick the Trash Festival, Madrid, Spain
2006 “Femmeuses”, Parc Saint Léger, Centre d’art contemporain, Paris, France
2006 City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenija
2006 Impakt Festival, Utrecht, the Netherlands
2006 European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck, Germany
2006 MUFF: Montréal Underground Film Festival, Montréal, QC
2006 Florence Queer Festival, Italy
2006 Pink Screens, Bruxelles, Belgium
2006 Herland Feminist Film and Video Festival, Calgary, AB
2005 Festival de Experimentación Artística en Valencia, Spain
2005 Hi Mom! Film Fest, Chapel Hill, NC
2005 Inside Out, Toronto, ON
2005 Festival of Forbidden Fruit, Victoria BC
2005 Lower West Side Film Festival, New York, NY
2005 Cinemarges, Bordeaux, France
2004 Bergen International Film Festival, Norway
2004 Oslo Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Norway
2004 Queer City Cinema, Regina, SK
2004 Turin International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Turin, Italy
2004 ANIMA 04: A Canadian showcase for computer animation, Montréal, QC
2004 London Lesbian And Gay Film Festival, London, England
2003 MIX Brasil Festival Of Sexual Diversity, São Paulo, Brasilia, Rio, Brazil
2003 Reeling Chicago Film Festival, Chicago IL
2003 Kombat: Queer Feminist Film Festival, Stockholm, Sweden
2003 The New Festival, New York, NY
2003 Women in the Director’s Chair, Chicago, IL
2003 Images Festival, Toronto, ON
2003 11a Edizione del Festival Internazionale del Cinema Lesbico, Milan, Italy
2002 Female Eye Festival, Toronto ON
2002 Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québecois, Montréal, QC
2002 “5e Manifestation Internationale Vidéo et Art Électronique”, Champ Libre, Montréal, QC
2002 11th Turku Film Festival, Vinokino, Finland
2002 15th Instants Video de Manosque, Paris, France
2002 Out-In-Africa Film Festival, Cape Town, South Africa
2002 26th San Francisco International Lesbian And Gay Film Festival
2002 Mardi Gras Festival, Darlinghurst, Australia
2002 Feminale International Women’s Film Festival, Cologne, Germany
2002 Oldenburger Filmtage, Germany
2001 MIX, New York, NY
2001 The Austin Film Festival, TX
2001 Femme Totale: 8th International Women’s Film Festival, Germany
2000 Cineffable, Festival International du film Lesbian et Feminist de Paris, France
2000 Berlin Lesbian Film Festival, Germany
2000 Seoul Queer Film And Video Festival, Korea
2000 Outfest, Los Angeles, CA
2024 Guest lecturer: “Performative embodiments: orientation, sensation, and representation,” FILM-ST 590N – New Directions in Videographic Scholarship, UMASS, Amherst, Massachusetts
2024 Guest lecturer: “Performing (with) Myself, A.I., and Avatars,” Geschichte der visuellen Medien II, Universität Zürich, Switzerland
2024 Guest lecturer: “From PortaPacks to Digital: The Video Art Revolution,” Introduction to Cinema, University of Leeds, UK2024 Keynote: Concordia English Graduate Colloquium, “Dividing Lines: inbetweenness, intersections, and transgressions,” Montreal, QC
2023 Artist talkback: InSomnolence, Agora Hydro-Quebec @ Coeur des sciences, Hexagram-UQAM, Montreal, QC
2022 Artist talk: Watch Me Work: a look behind the screen of digital artists and creators, presented by Creative Commons Canada
2022 play/PLAY Participatory Dramaturgies Summit,Queen’s University (online). Panel.
2021 Perforum: Artists Round Table Discussion, Neutral Ground Artist Run Centre, Regina, SK. Panel.
2021 “Queerly Circulating Sound and Affect in Intimate Karaoke, Live at Uterine Concert Hall,” Plenary Event: Practicing With Sound, Listening, Sound, Agency Symposium, SpokenWeb Symposium, Montréal, QC. Panel.
2019 “If No One Engages, the Performance Doesn’t Work,” Platform for Choreographic Development, Montréal Danse. Montréal QC. Public Talk.
2018 “Audiences, Empathy, and Queer Embodiment: ‘Intimate Karaoke’ as Method in Uterine Concert Hall,” Feminist Media Studio, Concordia University. Public Talk.
2017 “Feminist Collectivity: From Digital Production Practices to Meeting [in] My Uterus,” Get it Together! Feminism, Collectivity, Media, The Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF), McGill University, Montréal QC. Panel.
2017 Imago Theatre ARTISTA youth mentorship program for young women. Artist Talk.
2016 “Uterine Concert Hall,”on “Virtual Made Flesh: Artist Roundtable Discussion on Digital Media Art Practices” panel. Terms Of Privacy: Intimacies, Exposures, and Exceptions, The Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF), McGill University and AdaX, Montréal QC
2015 “Try (Not) to Resist This Older Woman’s Body,” on “Activist Aging: Working for Change Now and Still” panel. Aging Activisms 2015, Trail College, Trent University, Peterborough ON. Panel.
2013 “Older, Aggressive and On the Prowl: Who is the cougar behind the leopard print?” Univeristy of the Streets Café with La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse, Montréal, QC. Guest Speaker.
2011 “Mash-Ups: Not Just for Boys.” Circuit Benders, Overloaders, and Switchers. Studio XX, Montréal. Panel. Moderator: Krista Lynes.
2011 “Circuit Benders, Overloaders, and Switchers”, Studio XX, Montréal, QC
2010 “Gossip Based/Infused Practices, and Community Building.” Colin Campbell – People like us: The Gossip of Colin Campbell. Oboro, Montréal. Presentation and Panel. Moderator: Jon Davies. Fall 2010.
V-Tape, Toronto
Groupe Intervention Video, Montréal
Video Out, Vancouver