Car Wash!
Car Wash! is an homage to double D cups, big hair, and plastic women made especially for auto(mobile)erotic display purposes. Featuring a cast that includes Raquel Dommage, Mouton Rae, Pooky Potter, Honey Dew and Bambi Duvet, this team of buxom babes arrived on scene at La Centrale Galerie Powerhouse during the Grand Prix St. Laurent Street celebration to scrub-a-dub-rub a 1993 Toyota Tercel rust-bucket clean as the day it was resold in 2006.
Decked out in camel toe shorts, white t-shirts that were promptly ripped off each other during a rather soapy cat-fight to reveal vinyl boobies, these babes posed, scrubbed, and playfully threw sponges for their gaping audience, some of who were shocked and aghast at the off-duty porn stars antics. Disturbingly, all of les filles bouncing and romping begged the question: fake tits versus real ones; does it matter?
All of the wet t-shirts, dropped sponges, and sexy soapy suds were captured on video and later projected in the La Centrale window that same evening…
Car Wash!
Starring Alyson Vishnovska, Miriam Ginestier, Sarah Williams, Nadine Sures and Heather Kravas
Outside Car Camera: Nikol Mikus
Inside Car Camera/Edit: Dayna McLeod
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