Desert Hearts Montreal dreaming (video essay exercise)
Made at Middlebury video essay camp (Scholarship in Sound and Image Workshop on Videographic Criticism) June 2022
Voice Over exercise: select a continuous video sequence from a media object—3-minute max, can manipulate clip’s duration—and tell a story over it.
I used a dream I had on my phone as part of another project (Sociability of Sleep residency) in which I record my dream as soon as I wake up as voice over here, as I was happy with the ‘lip flap’ coincidence that happened when I started editing with it and adjusted the dream to fit this section of Desert Hearts, which I reversed.
Thank you Christian Keathley, Jason Mittell, Will DiGravio, and Ethan Murphy, and the 2022 Middlebury cohort: Colleen, Daniel, Desiree, Laura, Lucy, Nila, Vika, Jeff, Andrew, Pablo, Sadia, Joel, Allison, and Alison!!