A brunette and a blonde woman in a cowboy hat walk with 2 horses in Nevada. From Desert Hearts.

Desert Hearts Pecha Kuchas (video essay exercise)

So Lonely
Desert Hearts Pecha Kucha exercise take 1
10 video clips of 6 seconds each, with a continuous 1-minute audio segment, all from the same film

A respected scholar!
Desert Hearts Pecha Kucha take 2
Use a different 60-second audio clip from the film and the same video clips

Both of these Pecha Kuchas were made at Middlebury video essay camp (Scholarship in Sound and Image Workshop on Videographic Criticism), June 2022

Thank you Christian Keathley, Jason Mittell, Will DiGravio, and Ethan Murphy, and the 2022 Middlebury cohort: Colleen, Daniel, Desiree, Laura, Lucy, Nila, Vika, Jeff, Andrew, Pablo, Sadia, Joel, Allison, and Alison!!