Green screen Template (An increasingly heated & snarky dialogue) with AI
This video essay was created by Dayna McLeod (an artist-scholar) and Colleen Laird (a film scholar), inspired by a conversation on Discord and a prompt by Ariel Avissar, and made using ChatGPT—an OpenAI chatbot—and Colossyan—a company that produces AI actors. In this video we use these actors to represent our mentors Jason Mittell and Johannes Binotto as AI generated personas. This is collaboration upon collaboration that inspires us to ask questions about relationships between creators, creations, and the tools that connect us. We encourage you to download, remix, create, and cite to continue the conversation.
AI Prompt: Ariel Avissar
Scholar Personas: Jason Mittell and Johannes Binotto
Concept inspired by The Discord Thread with: Sureshkumar Sekar, Alan O’Leary, Ariel Avissar, Cormac Donnelly, Kevin B. Lee, Jason Mittell, Chelsea McCracken, Barbara Zechi, Nilajana Bhattacharjya
AI Content Creation: Colossyan, ChatGPT
B-roll: “A Person Putting Sticky Notes on a Glass Wall” by Mikhail Nilov (2021) via pexels.com
Suggested Citation: Green screen Template (An increasingly heated & snarky dialogue) by Dayna McLeod & Colleen Laird, 2023