Monarchy Mama
Monarchy Mama is an interactive, in-situ performance piece that pushes monarchical iconography beyond its limits of excess, gluttony, sexuality, and exploitation into the realm of absurd disgust. Entering the venue in a floor-length royal robe, I situate myself on a platform, stage, or pedestal that is easily accessible to the audience. Dramatically throwing the robe to the ground reveals a multi-mammaried body. Wearing a throat to crotch body suit made out of vinyl breasts, a regal Marie Antoinette wig, satin gloves, and royal jewels, my intention with this piece is to challenge an audience’s relationship to government, and the romance, sexualization, and fetishization of state and country. The audience will literally be able to “suckle at the teat of prosperity” as each breast is filled with vodka.
Performed at:
2008: Dada Cabaret, Festival Voix d’Amériques, Montreal
2007: Entzaubert festival, Berlin, Germany
2007: Queerotic FAQ! festival, Warsaw, Poland
and various other venues and festivals in Canada
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